Publishing Finished

When publishing is finished, you will be notified of this with an alert sheet. Click "OK" to continue working with your document.

If you wish, you can notify your friends and colleagues that you have updated your site before closing this sheet.

Choosing which page to share

Use the popup menu to choose to share a specific page or post, or your home page.

The items shown in the popup include the home page of the site itself, the currently selected page, and a few of the most recently modified pages. (These are the most likely URLs that you might want to share.)

Share via one of many services

You can also click the share button image:share.png to pop up a menu to choose from one of several methods to share. This will either cause a special window to appear, or you will be taken to the service's website to post your message. Of course, you will need to have an account and be logged in to post your announcement.

The services to appear depend on your region in the world, and which operating system you are using.

For more information on each service, you can refer to the Sharing Published Pages article.

Visit Published Page

This allows you to quickly launch the page that is selected in the Publishing Finished pop up. This is helpful if you want to check out the page prior to sharing it.

Once a site is published, you can share the page that is currently selected in the site navigator at any time by going to Share Published Page under the Publish menu and choosing any of the sharing services.

Publishing Notifications

You can receive notifications every time Sandvox finishes publishing your website. Depending on your operating system, you can receive them through OS X's (10.8 and up) built-in Notification Center or through a third-party application such as Growl. You can check the Publishing Notifications help page for more information.

Keywords: publishing finished, finished, publish, publishing, published, site, sites, export, exporting, upload, uploading, make, making, save, saving, change, changes, changed, entire, all, online, view, progress, pie, chart, symbol, icon, blue, dot, dots, marker, markers, dimple, dimples, mag.png, sandvox_castle_white.gif, sandvox.css

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