Our blog
TeleMoose: on Hiatus
Amazon.com has informed us that they do not want their customers to search or make purchases via TeleMoose. Why? We're not entirely sure, and the few reasons we have been given suggest that Amazon.com doesn't quite understand that TeleMoose is a win-win-win web application—for users, for Karelia Software, and for Amazon.com itself.
Another major online shopping portal—one that recognizes the possibilities of TeleMoose—has already given us the nod, and we'll be ready to unveil a brand new TeleMoose shortly.
Temporary Page Counter Hiccups

Sandvox users who are using the "Page Counter" pagelet may notice some strange numbers for the next few days. As part of Karelia's transition to a new server for hosting our website and services, we have just moved our database that records page views to its new location. This kind of change takes a few hours or a few days to propagate around the Internet. If you see the number "9999" for number of page views, do not panic — this is just temporary. Your page counts will be restored to their correct version when the server transition is complete.
Bonus Design Pack Now Available
We had some technical glitches in getting the bonus design pack updated. It is now available and ready for download. If you are on our email alert list, use the link we provided in the message we sent out recently, or enter your email address here to get the URL sent to you right away. Check the "READ ME" file; the new version indicates that is is version 1.2.2 of July 2007.
Sandvox 1.2.2 Released
We've just released an update to Sandvox: Version 1.2.2 addresses issues raised in bug reports and requests that have been submitted by our users. To anticipate viewing of sites on iPhones we also updated every design to minimize the need to zoom in on the iPhone screen.
In addition to the designs that are bundled with Sandvox, we've updated those that are part of the "bonus pack" that you receive as a member of our email alert list. (The bonus designs are Black and White, Cabernet, Dashed, Mezzanote, and Two Lines.) If you are using any of the bonus designs, watch your email for a note containing the URL of the new versions. Or enter your email address here to get a fresh URL for the revised designs sent to you right away.
Be sure to publish your entire site after updating to 1.2.2 (and reinstalling the bonus designs as needed) so all pages of your site pick up the updated designs.
Help Wanted: Tech Support
Are you a savvy Mac/Sandvox user with a couple of hours of spare time each day to help other Sandvox users? We're looking for a friendly person to work as a contractor to perform front-line technical support for Sandvox.
Prior experience with technical support is not necessary; we have procedures in place that will make it easy to do the job. What is required is a thorough understanding of Sandvox, consistent time availability (about two hours a day, 5 to 7 days a week), problem-solving abilities, excellent English communication, and good skills dealing with other people (over email, using our web-based support system). Communication with the other Karelia folks would be done over email, chat, and voice; the support work can be performed at home or anywhere!
If you are interested in becoming a part of the Karelia team, drop us a line.
CocoaRadio Interview about TeleMoose
Dan was at iPhoneDevCamp this last weekend, where he got to speak with Blake Burris of CocoaRadio about TeleMoose (recently rated as one of the 8 coolest applications for the iPhone). You can check out the interview with Dan, along with other notable iPhone application builders, here.
iPhone application updates
We've changed the name of our iPhone project mentioned in our last posting: Its new name is TeleMoose and you can find it at TeleMoose.com. We'll have more news about it shortly, but we wanted to get the correct URL out there sooner rather than later.
Now that we have our iPhones in hand to put TeleMoose through its paces, we've fixed a lot of issues with the beta; we've been continually updating the version on the website. Dan will be attending iPhoneDevCamp this weekend to share and learn more secrets of iPhone development.
We're also adjusting our Sandvox designs slightly to better accommodate the iPhone. We'll have a minor update out soon.