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Sandvox 2.10 adds Sandvox Hosting
Sandvox started with the idea that anyone should be able to build a great website, without needing to know how to code.
Sandvox has delivered on that promise for an enormous number of people, far beyond our expectations. People tell us that Sandvox has been “just right” for them — easy to use, with a very familiar feeling that’s comfortable to work in, simple yet powerful.
At the same time, however, we watched too many people get extremely frustrated when trying to set up web hosting. Which protocol to use? Is this the right URL? Which hostname do I put in? A long list of questions, the answers to which vary radically depending on which hosting company is used.
So, we found ourselves thinking that web hosting should just be simpler than it is. That you shouldn’t have to learn how to administer a web server or play guessing games with endless settings. That hosting should “just work” and so we set out to do just that.
Today we’re unveiling Sandvox 2.10 with a new hosting choice — integrated into Sandvox itself — Sandvox Hosting. It is exclusively available only for use with Sandvox and Sandvox-built websites.
To get started, just choose ‘Setup Host’ from within Sandvox and create a trial Sandvox Hosting account. Sandvox will even suggest a password for you.

Then, when you’re ready, just publish your site. That’s all there is to it.
If you need to check on, or change your plan, just head over to www.sandvoxhosting.com and sign in to your account.
We think Sandvox customers will love Sandvox Hosting. We’re really proud of it and we’re excited to bring it to you in Sandvox 2.10.
Want to take it for a spin? Just download the latest Sandvox demo, create a free trial hosting account using Setup Host, and publish your new site.