File Download

A File Download is used to host a file on your site. Visitors click on a link to the File Download, and depending on their web browser and the file type, it downloads immediately or opens for viewing in their browser.

Ways to create a File Download:

If you would like to make sure the file is going to be a download and not just viewable in the visitors web browser, first zip the file. You do that by clicking on the file, then control-click → compress, then add it to your Sandvox site. If you prefer to have visitors download the file as is and not a zipped version, you can instruct visitors to right-click the link to the file, and choose "Download Linked File" ("Save Link As... for other browsers).

External Files

Sometimes, you may wish to allow visitors to download a file that isn't actually part of your site. In such cases, a File Download is not suitable. Instead, you should use either a link or an External Page.

Keywords: file, download, downloads, link, links, archive, files, downloading, archives, zip, media, attach, attachment, attachments, attaching, attached

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