Publishing multiple sites to a single Host

When publishing to an Alternate host, Sandvox allows you to publish more than one site to a single host. To do so, you publish each site to a different subfolder:

Once each site is published you then direct site visitors to the appropriate URL. So for example, something like:

For this to work properly, you need to specify the subfolder name in both the URL that visitors will use when accessing the site, and the document root folder, e.g. public_html/subfolder1.

To publish to a subfolder:


If you are publishing to Sandvox Hosting site, you will need to set up an additional site from your Sandvox Hosting account.

Keywords: host, hosting, hosted, hosts, site, sites, multiple, many, publish, publishing, published, sub, folder, folders, subfolder, subfolders, directory, directories, subdirectory, subdirectories, sub-folder, sub-folders, sub-directory, sub-directories

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