defaults write com.karelia.watson tv.ignoreCC 1
defaults write com.karelia.watson identifier.ToolFrequency seconds... where identifier is one of the identifiers listed below that corresponds to a tool, and seconds is the number of seconds between updates. For example, changing eBay's frequency to every two minutes would look like this:
defaults write com.karelia.watson com.karelia.watson.ebay.ToolFrequency 120The list of tool identifiers (you can figure out which they correspond to!)
defaults write com.karelia.watson WATSON_CONNECT_INTERVAL seconds... where seconds is the number of seconds between updates. For example, changing Watson to check only once every 48 hours would be (let's see, 60 seconds per minute, 60 minutes per hour, makes 60 * 60 * 48 = 172800)
defaults write com.karelia.watson WATSON_CONNECT_INTERVAL 178200
defaults write com.karelia.watson WatsonIgnoreProxy 1(To restore it, you can change the 1 to 0.)
If the tool is a downloaded tool -- that is, not built into Watson, but contributed by another developer:
/Volumes/Watson 1.x.x/.background(replacing the appropriate version number of Watson you have)... Then, drag the "backdrop.jpg" to your hard disk, and then use Show View Options to set that as a folder's background image.