Using Version Control Systems with Sandvox

If you want to keep track of multiple revisions of your Sandvox document, you can use a revision control system such as Subversion, Perforce, or Git. This is one way for multiple users to be able to update the document, and it is possible to go back in time to get previous versions of your website.

Sandvox works fine with version control systems. It does not re-write directories to remove hidden files (such as ".svn" used by subversion), so it should be easy to check in your changes to the Sandvox project.

However, you will still need to work with the system, in adding new files (inside the Sandvox document package), deleting references to obsolete files, etc. Please consult your system documentation for more details.

Keywords: VCS, revision control, version control, version control system, source control, source code management, SCM, subversion, svn, revisions, groupware, change control, distributed revision, bitkeeper, bazaar, darcs, git, mercurial, monotone, SVK, conflict, sync, synchronize, synchronization, accurev, aldon, allenbrain, allfusion, AVS, clearcase, codeville, CVS, CVSNT, designsync, libresource, MKS, perforce, p4, plasticscm, razor, sourceAnywhere, SourceHaven, surround SCM, SVK, Team Foundation, Telelogic Synergy, Vault, Visual SourceSafe

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