Supported Audio Formats
The best format for audio is to provide a .wav or .mp3 file. iOS does have some restrictions on the specific encoding in an .mp3 file, so it is important to test the audio on an iPhone/iPad. Other formats like .m4a, .aiff, .au, .mov (QuickTime audio-only), etc. may be playable, and show up in Sandvox - but many browsers are not going to be able to play them. The inspector will show a warning when these partially-supported file formats have been chosen.
Protected audio and video files, such as a track bought at the iTunes store, are not going to work either; they are licensed only for the purchaser.
File Types
MP3 audio is handled by most browser with the <audio> tag; a Flash-based player handles the remaining browsers.
The fallback in this case is a windows-media <object> tag, which can be handled by both IE and Mac-based browsers with QuickTime.
Limited browser support:
- .mov (audio-only QuickTime Movie)
- .mp4 works
- .aiff works
- .aifc
- .au
The inspector will show a warning when partially-supported file formats have been chosen.
Keywords: mp3, music, song, songs, track, tracks, file, files, sound, sounds, audio, animate, animation, animates, animations, animated, control, click, right, control-click, right-click, clip, clips, distort, distorted, distorting, fuzz, fuzzy, illegible, quality, embed, embeds, embedded, embedding, object