This document is a list of all the keys that can be placed in a Sandvox plug-in's Info.plist file.
Standard Keys
The following keys should be set for a component.
- CFBundleDevelopmentRegion
- The base language. For English, we use the two-letter code 'en' to match our style.
- CFBundleExecutable
- The name of your executable file, usually the component without indication of its type, e.g. foo. Karelia uses ${EXECUTABLE_NAME}
- CFBundleGetInfoString
- Version/Copyright string. Karelia uses ${SANDVOX_VERSION} (${SVN_VERSION}), (c) 2008 Karelia Software
- CFBundleIdentifier
- Unique identifier in reverse domain name format, e.g. org.johndoe.sandvox.FooPagelet. Karelia uses sandvox.${PROJECT_NAME}
- CFBundleDisplayName
- This will appear, localized, in menus where user can insert your plug-in
- CFBundleShortVersionString
- Release version number of your plug-in, e.g. 1.0. Karelia uses ${SANDVOX_VERSION}
- CFBundleSignature
- Should be Svox
- CFBundleVersion
- Optional build number of your plug-in, e.g. 477. Karelia uses ${SVN_VERSION}
- NSPrincipalClass
- Class name of your plug-in. Should be a subclass of SVPlugIn
General Sandvox Plug-in Keys
- SVPlugInIconPath
- Name of resource file for this plug-in's 32x32 icon, as it shows up in the popup menus. e.g. foo.png. Can be an image file like png or tiff, or an icns file, which has the advantage of having a 16-pixel version. this can actually be an absolute path to a system file, if you wish to use an image already installed on the operating system.
- SVPlugInDescription
- The human-readable, localizable short description of the plug-in's function. Presently appears below plug-in name in Objects menu.
- SVPlugInCSSFiles
- Array of CSS resource files used by your plug-in; the contents are appended to the CSS generated for your site. If you don't know the resources to add until runtime, you can use
-[SVHTMLContext addCSSWithURL:]
- SVMinimumAppVersion
- Minimum application version required for this plug-in to function. Specify a value here if your plug-in will not function on versions of Sandvox below a particular version.
Index Plug In Keys
- SVIndexMasters
- Dictionary of index presets so that one index type can be shared among several different user-visible index types.
- SVIndexMasters->SVIndexFirstPageProperties
- If supplied, a child page is automatically created and selected. This is its initial properties
- SVIndexMasters->SVPageProperties
- Properties for the page which the index is added to
- SVIndexMasters->SVMasterDisplayName
- Appears in the new page menu
- SVIndexMasters->SVPageProperties->navigationArrowsStyle
How child pages' navigation arrows should appear. Specify
- 0 - No navigation (default)
- 1 - Graphical arrows
- 2 - Textual navigation